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It’s a girl! our magnificent Pink Daytime Smokes are exactly what you need for your gender reveal or baby shower party. And wait for the scream of excitement. Check out our video of the Pink Smokes. These smokes will stand out in the crowd. With each one spreading skywards a brightly coloured pink smoke. Lasting a wonderful 60 seconds. Although these are very popular with gender reveal parties, they can be used on a number of different occasions. While coloured smokes are also becoming very popular at Weddings. Making sure that the photographer doesn’t miss the opportunity to grab that special photo of your special day. And are smokes are also being used for special effects. By professional and amateur movie makers. And not forgetting the theatre producers using our pink daytime smokes with stunning results. Meanwhile give yourself some smoke cover when paintballing. So why not spice up you event with brilliant, coloured smokes. These smokes can be handheld and straightforward to use by just pulling a single ring pull. That will produce an amazing stream of pink smoke. Please be aware that minimum age is 18 years. And are for outdoor use only. Please follow all the safety instructions on the packaging. Before releasing the ring pull. Hold the pink daytime smokes at arm’s length. Making sure that you have the device angled away from your body. Also make certain that the wind is going away from you. Do not inhale any smoke. Always store the device in a dry place. All the safety advice can be found on the packaging of the product. Please follow the advice to help you keep safe. We also have a large number of different colours for you to try. And why not add a little bit of sparkle to your event with our small or large sparklers?