Stealth | Low Noise Barrage/Cake | 120 Shots | Dynamic Fireworks


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(3 customer reviews)

This stunning low noise mixed effect and angle barrage offers 120 shots of red, white and blue strobe mines leading to red tails with red and blue falling leaves. Silver tails to silverfish with blue core followed by Silver Tiger tails with purple mines, to purple tiger tails with silver mines. Blue tails to white strobe waterfall, gold tail to red fish with gold core. Alternating orange comet to purple mine and purple comet to orange mine. Blue tail to blue fish with silver core, white tail to white strobe waterfall. Green tail to red fish with green core. Brocade tail to brocade horsetail with a finale sequence of Purple, Yellow, Green and Red Crossettes.

Number of shots

Safety distance (metres)

Noise level (1-10)

Duration (seconds)


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This stunning low noise mixed effect and angle barrage Stealth. Delivers 120 shots of red, white and blue strobe mines. Leading to red tails with red and blue falling leaves. Then silver tails to silverfish with a blue core. Followed by Silver Tiger tails with purple mines. With purple tiger tails with silver mines. Not to mention, blue tails to white strobe waterfall, gold tail to red-fish. With gold core. Alternating orange comets to purple mine. And purple comet to orange mine. Then blue tail to blue-fish with silver core, white tail to white strobe waterfall. While Green tails to red-fish with a green core proceeds a finale of Brocade tail to brocade horsetail. With a final sequence of Purple, Yellow, Green and Red Crossettes.

In summary, Stealth is a fantastic low noise barrage lasting 60 seconds. In fact, you may not hear it coming, However, you will be taken aback by the beautiful effects. Meanwhile, if you are looking to add a little more noise. Then catch a glimpse at Prism


As with all fireworks, including Stealth. It’s very important to follow the safety information. Which you will find on the firework label. And also on the safety guide which has been provided. While it’s about keeping everyone safe. With the fun of the fireworks. Without anyone coming to harm. Especially important is the safety of your audience and firers. With this in mind, all fireworks will have a required safety distance. For your audience and your firer.

Whilst the safety distance for Stealth is 25 metres. These are the minimum requirements for your safety. So extend the spectator distance where possible. Also, make sure that the wind and the display are angled away from the spectators. In addition, you can tackle the wind by moving your fireworks display further away. Or by relocating the spectators to a safer area.