Doom | Cakes & Barrages | Dynamic Fireworks


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The Doom small 9 shot barrage fires crackling tails up to crackle flower mixed with ti flower crackle. With a duration of approximately 15 seconds.

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Number of shots

Duration (seconds)

Explosive weight (g)

Noise level (1-10)

Safety distance (metres)

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DOOM is a perfect choice for a small garden firework display due to its size and functionality. This firework will enhance your Guy Fawkes night celebrations with its sparkling performance. Firstly, DOOM is compact and ideal for small gardens. This firework is designed to create a mesmerizing effect. Captivating your audience with its gold crackle and pop. Moreover, DOOM is easy to set up and ignite. Making it a hassle-free option for those who want to enjoy a  firework display without any complications.

It provides an excellent way to add excitement to your celebrations. And make lasting memories with your loved ones. In conclusion, if you’re looking for a small garden firework. That will make your Guy Fawkes night celebrations truly memorable, DOOM is an excellent choice. While offering  a beautiful and exciting display.  Furthermore why not add some rockets to you display? Click on Starblitz Rockets to see them in action


In addition, before you light up, we want to emphasize the importance of safety. This Category F2 firework is specifically designed for garden displays and requires a minimum safety distance of 8 meters (roughly 26 feet!). We always recommend that you read and follow the instructions on the firework label and consult our safety guide, which we’ve included with your order. You can also download a copy from our website.

At Oasis, we take safety seriously, and that’s why we’ve given Doom a mid-level noise rating of 4 out of 10, making it suitable for an audience of younger children to enjoy.

So why not check out Doom for yourself? Simply head over to our website, search for Doom using the search bar, and click the play button to see it in action. Alternatively, visit one of our showrooms to speak with our friendly and knowledgeable firework professionals. With Doom, you’re guaranteed to create a dazzling and unforgettable display that everyone will love!